Using on-camera interviews as well as photographs and family mementos, ReelStories captures the essence of the profiled person or family. We not only depict milestones in the subject’s life but also capture his or her underlying personality. The result? A moving and sensitive portrait that can be watched again and again.


Many not-for-profit organizations have long and fascinating histories. Through on-camera interviews with people who are central to the profiled organization and the use of archival photos and mementos, ReelStories will weave together an engaging and informative profile of the organization. We will not only detail historical information, but will also incorporate the organization’s philosophy and future goals into the documentary.


What better way to tell the story of a successful business than through the words and ideas of the people who started the business or are currently running the business? Through on-camera interviews with company executives and other employees, ReelStories will profile a firm’s history, current situation and future goals. We will weave old photographs, videos or movies highlighting the company’s past into the documentary. Imagine having a professional and well-crafted video documentary that can be shown to current and future employees as well as to prospective business partners.


Get an edge in the competitive job market with a ReelStories Résumé. A ReelStories Résumé allows you to introduce yourself and your ideas to potential employers in an innovative—and unforgettable—way. High in production values, a ReelStories Résumé can be put on a CD.


In most households, countless snapshots seldom see the light of day. A ReelStories Photomontage takes these long-forgotten photographs and assembles them into a slick and artistic film that sensitively highlights your family’s most important and treasured memories. Using Ken Burns’ zooming and panning techniques as well as special effects and music, ReelStories will compile your photographs into an engaging and inspiring photomontage that you’ll watch over and over again.


Are you or someone in your family celebrating a special event?  If so, ReelStories can help capture your special event for future remembrance.  At ReelStories we will make sure to deliver a product that you will be able to enjoy year after year.  Whether it’s an anniversary, a wedding, a Bar Mitzvah, or whatever occasion, ReelStories will produce a video memento that you will cherish forever.

As with all ReelStories products, your completed event video will be edited with music, titles, and original but subtle transitions.  Your final video will be delivered on DVD with original menus.

Contact ReelStories today to find out about your special event video.


ReelStories is committed to all your video related needs.  If you have any questions, or if you are in need of any video work not listed on the site just give us a call for more information.

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